Decumanus. Haussmann Negativo 

 H. Mention               Premio COAM TFM - Urbanism Mention COAM 19 Awards (Official Architecture Associaton of Madrid)
 Distinction               Best Final Diploma Projects in Spain 2019 - ArchDaily / Plataforma Arquitectura

10/10 Special Honors Construction and Technology with Professor Jesús Anaya 1
10/10 Special Honors in Architectural Communication with Atxu Amann
10/10 Architectural Design III and Architectural Design II with Professor Francisco Burgos AULA GALIANO

Madrid is a tragic city. Like so many others, It has not achieved its own identity on its outskirts. Its urban fabric is completely segregated and disconnected. How to open a new Avenue through the Generic Periphery Decumanus is a theoretical investigation about how to intervene in the suburb identity of our periphery in contemporary cities. An overlapping urban scheme is full. Full like a Negative Haussmann. Chamartin is the victim, a field of study. Decumanus solves the fracture of its Cardus. La Castellana. A finish, which origin is in the historic city, grows to the north, the Outside, that loses its identity. Its longitudinality joins the disconnected uses in the outskirts. Its perpendicularity solves the north breakup thanks to the new railway infrastructure. A new axis, from the Hypodrome to de Airport, builds the city. Historic traditional city confronts the contemporary generic periphery. The intervention in the Historic city is vertical. It joins all the urban information layers condensed in the same position. In the Generic Periphery, a new layer appears in other places instead. The intervention should be linear because it merges layers on the same plane. It is the reason for the shape. DECUMANUS catalyzes urban situations through scenic artifacts. The monumental scene, domestic, productive, cultural, recreational, logistic, touristic, or infrastructural. The scenes appear as heterogeneous elements, working like Madrid mechanisms, but connected homogeneously and continuously. They start hybridizing. A 1-mile project mutates the Generic Periphery. A utopia. A new theoretical urban development is joining the disconnected fabric of that new part of the town.